'An extraordinarily honest and viscerally powerful performance from Sidney Kean and a sly subversive script from John Knowles. It's a blistering howl of outrage from the also-rans and under achievers of life presented with utter stripped back simplicity humour and verve. If you go to theatre to share in something real, connect to your deepest humanity, hopes and fears, be transported and to feel more... then this is the show for you'.
Patrick Kealey Actor / Director
'I love John’s quirky sense of humour and his scripts never fail to make me laugh' David Morrissey ('The Walking Dead', 'The Driver', 'The Missing')
I'm so excited. I've just seen a wonderful piece of theatre, Toby Belch is Unwell, beautifully written by John Knowles and passionately performed by Sidney Kean. Beautifully written - impeccably and intricately structured. Poignant and resonant. Emily Carding (Richard The III Brite Theatre)
Wow what an absolutely blinding script by John Knowles and stunning performance by Sidney Kean, this really is "THE ONE".
Audience comments:
Astonishing performance - pathos, bawdy humour and humanity most of all.
Extraordinary, unmatched acting, script and emotional, rolled into a theatrical roller-coaster.
A powerful meaningful story, super-script , wonderful rendition.
Captivating, inspiring.
What a Tour De Force.
'Toby Belch is a one act monologue with a running time of 50min, the show requires a minimum space of 3m Sq, with ideally a simple light and PA rig (though we can supply our own). The set comprises of one pub chair / stool and table, which, again we can provide if not available on site. The show also comes with one technician actor as support. For a quote please contact John on 07813 03 55 14 or email fetchtheatre@gmail.com
For a selection of photos for publicity please contact John for access to our Dropbox account.