B i o g r a p h y
Sidney Kean
Sidney's career has spanned over four and a half decades and has included extensive work in the theatre, cinema, television and radio. Naturally, he is equally at home in all these different fields. He is especially gifted at picking up accents and dialects from around this country and the rest of the world and making them sound natural and native.
It was in the Reps and National Tours that he learnt the art of "deliberately staying there, watching and listening to other performers". It is often said that the best Actors are the ones that listen... Sidney is a past master at this art.
He has superb comic timing as well as magnetic stage presence. He is also a breeze to work with!
John Knowles
John is an award winning writer whose Shakespeare inspired series of plays have appeared at The Shakespeare North Playhouse and numerous festivals.
Four Star at the Ukraine Fringe Festival - Caliban’s Codex 2023
Nominated for best director - Caliban’s Codex - Scene-Save 2023
2nd place in the Ironclad short story competition 2023
Winner of the Ironclad New Creative Writing Bursary 2021
