'This isle was meant to be the death of me. Wrapped in the tomb of my mother's womb. Exiled to this barren rock upon which Sycorax, my mother, was meant to die.
A judgement from God for this pregnant she!'

'It's wonderful ! Theatre at its best'
Steve Gove Prague Fringe Theatre Founder and Director.
Shortlisted for: Inspiration Award and Performance Award, Prague 2018.
'This remarkable piece of writing and performance'
Brighton Festival 2019 - Bethan Troakes Broadwaybaby.com
Image Maxine Monaghan
From the ashes of the past
In the twelve years since Prospero's departure, Caliban has painstakingly sifted through the ashes of the books of magic, slowly piecing together a new language and a way to save this island from mankind's abuse.
'There is no welcome here for you, your kind.
Mankind, for there is nothing kind in man.'
Caliban's Codex is a new monologue by the writer John Knowles (Toby Belch is Unwell and Hitleria Pizzeria Parts I & II ) created with Emily Carding (Richard III - Brite Theatre). Inspired by Shakespearean iambic pentameter, this one-woman show explores loss, abuse and magic and is a disturbing insight into Caliban's world view.
'This is a brilliant creation. Caliban finally comes into his own - battered and bruised, hideous but full of intelligence and cunning and feeling. Emily Carding fully inhabits this creature (for he is proud not to be completely human). He rages, curses, wails and mourns, furious and frustrated. And alone. How disappointing that the show was only able to be performed twice on one day, but it will be performed again. It must be. ' Prague Fringe World Premiere 2018.
'Emily Carding’s one woman piece reinterprets the ‘monster’ from Shakespeare’s The Tempest, in a way that casts many more dark shadows onto the human race than it does onto the poor creature Caliban him/herself. It’s fiercely committed and done in the round, Carding’s scampering beast rising its head to eyeball us audience members with a succession of spat out criticisms about our own species mishandling of the planet.'
Peter Mortimer British Theatre Guide